
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ursula Birthday

On my birthday I woke up and I went for a run. Helgard was ready with coffee on my return, he also presented me with a small birthday card.

After reading the card he took me to his car, in the boot stood a huge box with a ribbon around it. I was over whelmed when I opened the box, because it contained the top of the range Kenwood mixer.

Thanks- you, thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, thank-you Helgard.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Gert Bacholors

With the help of Danita I contacted all the males that would attend Gert's wedding. Emails and SMSs were flying back an forth and eventually a date was set.

We held a braai for Gert at his house on a night Dalene had to work. Ursula prepared salad and we had meat and beer so we were set.
With a couple bags of wood on hand we had a friendly fire going and soon afterward we were braai-ing a meat and saussages. The mood was festive with a the guys telling jokes and stories and enjoying each others company.

At least all of us know each other now and the wedding party can just continue from here on.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Dak Natmaak

The rainy weather on a Saturday afternoon didn't stop friends and family to join our house warming party. The guest started arriving at 2 o'clock with food, wine and presents under their arms. Some of my friend I haven't seen for some time, so it was wonderful to see them again. I'm really glad that we have wonderful friends and family that share our happiness of a new house. The present weren't necessary but thanks everyone, we appreciate it dearly.
The party started with a rugby match that some people just couldn't miss. Well nearly everyone ended up in front of the TV, fortunately the bokke won!

I was busy showing the house and cooking so I didn't really talked to a lot of people. I can remember that I told some friends to leave the kitchen because I still had to do some cooking, they just answered, that they not going to sit somewhere else, the kitchen is big enough to that I can cook and they can enjoy them self by eating some of Gert's home-made bread. I was only smiling after this comment, because the previous kitchen in the townhouse was very small, it is a real privilege.

The best joke of the evening was when Jerry was telling Iné-Marie that his children needs a mother again.

Everyone enjoyed the party and the kids were sleeping in front of the television. I'm not sure if the kids were sleeping because of hungry of tiredness. Dinner was served late, why I don't know, I think everyone was enjoying the fire and laughter.

During the evening it was interesting to see how many ladies tried out GT4 on the Playstation.
After everyone left, Jerry and Ina-Marie had sherry with us. The house warming was lovely, so the dishes were washed with smiles while Helgard and myself were "reliving" the evening

More photos here

Saturday, October 25, 2008

PS2 & GT4

It is all Manie's fault, he started it! The idea was to have a 9 hour endurance race on the Playstation. A couple of guys would come together and we will drive in teams against each other. Well we needed another Playstation, steering wheel and a racing seat. I reckoned that since we will use the PS2 there must be a lot of them available secondhand since the PS3 is out
Started to scan the JunkMail and found a racing seat, PS2 slimline with LAN connection and steering wheel for a very attractive price. The racing seat was uncomfortable and flimsy, so Manie helped and we cut it up with an angle grinder and modified and welded everything together, so that it would be a real slick seat.

The steering wheel turned out to be useless, so it was back to the Junk Mail and I found one the same week. Now we have everything we need, except skill. I practiced a couple of hours on the circuit we would use, but I'm not as good as I would like to be. The practice times are also a bit limited because Ursula cant understand why I would want to spend my time in front of the TV.
Initially we thought the two teams would be able to ride on the same track, against each other with the PS2's connected via a LAN cable. Unfortunately it is not possible in GT4, looks like a 50 lap race is the longest that is possible. So we decided that we will start together and the team with the most laps after 9 hours would of cause win.

We started at 8:00 and changed drivers each time we went into the pits. We kept track of lap times on the laptop and things got quite serious. Ursula and Machtild hand snacks to keep the drivers doing.

The race was pretty even but our team (Me, Marius and Felix) just wasn't fast enough to beat Manie's team. (Manie, Dawie, Tjaart,Frik)

The race had to be abandoned after 8 hours due to rugby on TV, but it was great fun and we would definitely do it again.

More photos here

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Lerinda Foneintjies Concert

For the past few months every time that we saw the Ross family or Larinda she had to sing "Tell me what you want, want you really-really want……" from The Spice Girls. Every time that Lerinda sang the song I was amassed by the fact that a young girl/lady of 6 could keep up with this really fast rhyme of the song. I could see that she really-really enjoyed the song.

Lerinda invited Helgard and myself to her kindergarten concert and graduation. Munda (Larinda's mum) organized seats for the family in the second row from the hall, we had a good view and Helgard could take a lot of pictures.

Lerinda looked so cute with the curly hair and costume jewelry. While on stage, Mariska try to show Larinda that her earring is going to fall of her ear. Lerinda could understand something about the ear ring but the left and right confused hear. She gave the audience a good laugh when she answered that she wants to be a jet-setter when she is she is a grown up.


The kindergarten concert was a TV show and the school principle was the presenter.
The were a few funny characters

At a kiddies show so many things are happening at the same time, and when one laughs, you forget everything. I can't remember a lot because I was laughing too much.
I can remember the little boy (about 3years old) that was singing louder than the CD that was playing.

Then there was the song "Getoor". The little boy with his spiky gelled hair moved his head while the 3 witches were busy dancing with their brooms.


At last Lerinda was dressed in silver with a lot of glitter for her Spice Girls.
More photos here

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Clay Target Shooting

Circumstances has forced my brother to consider emigrating to New Zeeland. He is on is way to hack out a new life for him and his family. It is a real sad time for me and my Dad since New Zeeland is 11 hours out of phase with South Africa, which puts it on the other side of the globe. Well at least it is also in the Southern hemisphere so the seasons are the same.
The fact of the matter is that we are not going to see my brother and his family so often any more.

I wanted to do something memorable that the three of us can remember for a while. Quite by chance I bumped into a friend that suggested clay target shooting as something to do together. I organized it and the club was able to accommodate me on quite short notice, highly appreciated.

Clay target shooting is not as easy as it looks. We grew up with shotguns, .22 and air rifles as children but this is a bit different to shoot a moving target. I don't know what happened but Leonard was about 50% better than me or my dad. I think he had some aggression he had to get rid of, the little orange targets were definitely on the receiving end.
It was great fun and is highly recommended. Don't know when the three of us will be able to try it again though.

The rest of the photos here

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Ariette Birthday

Helgard's aunt Ariette recently moved to Pretoria. Her daughter Cheryl decided to surprise her with a party on her 50th birthday. Since we just moved in and had lots of space available we offered our place as a venue for the party. The party was small with mostly family members in attendance.

The Saturday afternoon Cheryl and Michelle started decorating our garage. The garage doesn't have any ceilings, so the draping that Michelle and Cheryl put up made a difference. Munda with her "know-how-hands" used flowers and candles to make a venue like the garage look stunning.

Rudi and Ariette arrived a little early, but after some tears from Ariette everybody got something to drink.

Rudi was responsible for the food; the tasteful food on the menu was a sign of good planning.
The following was on the menu:
Starter - Pate and bread nicely decorated with "groen goed"
Main course - Greek salad, braaivleis, spinach and potato
Dessert - Birthday cake
Munda made a special birthday cake, she baked ouma Louise's carrot cake and decorated the cake with family photo. Ariette didn't want to cut the cake, because it was too beautiful. All the guests pressured her to cut bigger pieces, but she wanted to save the photos on the cake.

When Ariette got the opportunity to speech, she used it by making a toast on our new house, she also made a toast and wishing Leonard the best with his immigration to New Zealand.
We also had a toasted to Ariette and wishing her the best for the next 50 years.

All in all a lovely night with the family. More photos here.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Our New House

Helgard and I moved into our new house in Constantia Park on the 1st of October 2008. Hopefully we will never forget the feeling of happiness when we moved in.

In September Helgard seriously started “shopping” for a house. As we all know with the high interest rates it is a buyers market. Everyone says in a buyers market one can choose, but our specifications were very clear. We wanted something that is not a fix-upper in an older neighborhood. The unwritten rule when buying a house is that one has to look at least at 20 houses, before one can make a decision. The third house that we saw was the house that talked to Helgard and me immediately. I can still remember as we got into the car Helgard said to me, “where can I sign”. A week and a half later an offer was made and the Pilchards family accepted it. Everything happened were fast, the offer was made and accepted the beginning of September and the 1st of October we moved in.

Moving, is only six letters, but this six-letter word includes a lot of work and arguments between Helgard and myself (my point of view, moving is the real test for marriage)

Helgard and I aren’t really “movers”, I think this was the first time that I moved. The weekend before moving friends and family asked if we have finished packing my answer was “we are living organized lives, most of our good are already in boxes, because that is how we keep our place tidy.

Between making curtains, moving plants and packing I didn’t know what hit me. People say mark your boxes when moving, I thought to myself, how difficult is it to remember your boxes, after the 5th box I started marking my boxes. Because we are not educated movers everything in the kitchen that includes cleaning stuff, food, cutlery, pots vases were mark kitchen. When the movers carried the boxes into the house, the kitchen was so full, I couldn’t move.

The moving company was also early on the 31st of September; they rang the bell before 12 instead of after 2 o’clock. They were only 2hours early - that meant that the garage, fridge and my bedroom weren’t packed. I still don’t know how we could pack the garage, fridge and…… in 2 hours, just nice to blame other people for my unorganized moving skills. Helgard really worked hard when we moved, because I was still busy with clients VAT payments.

At the new house it was a mess. I can still remember that I was very tired but so excited. When the moving company left and Helgard and I had a beer at the swimming pool, at that stage I could close my eyes and fall sleep.

Marquete the estate agent brought us sandwiches and a bottle of wine, a lovely gesture. Our friends Therese and Jacques brought dinner; was the best lasagna and salad that I ever had. Therese’s mum even bake us a cake, thanks again! Gert and Deléne also shared our happiness by visiting and eating with us.

I’m still making curtains and the 2 new bedrooms still don’t have any furniture. The washing machine broke during the move but I’m happy and all smiling because I’m privileged to live in a lovely house.

I told Helgard that he can pack his Freelander if he wants to move, but I’m staying.

No photos of the house you have to come visit and see for yourselves.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Funny Hat

For Machtild birthday we had to pitch with a interesting of rather a Funny Hat on the head. Ursula had a witches hat and I had my straw hat with a flower arrangement on top. One thing to keep in mind for such a party is to ware a comfortable hat that you can keep on your head the whole night. Mine hat was not so comfortable and it ended up on a chair which defeats the whole idea really. The more memorable hats were a schoolboy, viking, joker, Basotho, pirate, devil and a robin hood hat.
Charmaine and Machtild looked very good as usual but for he life of me I'm not able to explain what type of hats they wore.

At one stage the men some of the men entertained with a bit of belly dancing and Marius realy impressed with is skills as a break dancer.
We ended up playing pool and as usual I did not want to go home.

Thanks for a lovely evening.

More photos here.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Zebra Kick!

Living in Africa has some advantages that one does not always take for granted. My Uncle and Aunt Hennie and Louise stay on a plot that is not fenced. The plot is part of a bigger farm that is stocked with game and is fenced with a game fencing.
While walking on the farm a Zebra came running toward Ursula and me. This is a bit unnatural since game is usually scared of humans and would rather move away.

The Zebra is tame and like to be stroked and fed. It also also does not like it if two people walk next to each other in the road, the Zebra wants to walk with one person in the road, bit of a problem if you are two people.
I saw she readies herself to kick and warned Ursula to stay away from her back. We took photos of the mare with my cell phone. While putting the cell phone in my pocket, with by back to her she kicked me. The hove caught me on me sideways on my chest and grazed my jaw. It hurt like hell but I was fine.
Well at least I had a funny story to tell is this gloomy week we had last week. Decided not to post photos of my chest....the busing look bad, the man boobs worse.

More photos here

Kloets aka Henk Louis

On Sunday 15 June my cousin Henk Louis was tragedy killed in a motor car accident. One hear this type of headline frequently in the news or on a newspaper or a blog. What makes this different is that it is My cousin. What made it a tragedy was that it was on Father's day, it was a week from his 25th birthday, he was killed! and it looked like he was not at fault.

I was quit a bit older than him 15 years to be exact. When you are a schoolboy it is a lifetime, there are no way to associate with a small baby when you have more important things to care about like homework and puberty and, and. Later in life our paths converged a bit and he with his brothers and sister turned out to be very pleasant and interesting people.... If only I knew him better...If only.

During the memorial service, which was the saddest event I have attended in a while, we learned a bit about his character and personality. My uncle and aunt brought up a young man that was going to go places. He lived a full life and will be missed by all.
Henk Louis 20June 1983 to 15 June 2008

Although a sad event the service was also inspirational. The minister was blind and presented a service without notes. The cry of small babies could be heard in he chapel, giving sound to life.

One of the things that one tend to forget during our busy lives is the power of family and friends. I saw the support that was given to the family at a moments notice as a beautiful gesture, from all corners of Southern Africa the family converged together to be at the memorial service. Hendricus had a long list of people to thank in the chapel, people expressing love toward the family by giving the from the smallest to be biggest. I'm glad to be part of such a family.

Our deepest condolences goes to Hennie, Louise, Henricus, Maree, Louise and Natanya.

Helgard's 40th Birthday

Yes it was my 40th birthday! We had a small function at Ursula's mums house in the garden in the middle of winter again. Like last year our dinner was a sheep on the spit that Wilhelm looked after for us. Ursula baked bread and prepared a lot of warm food and I'm sure nobody could complain about not having enough to eat.
This year we had 2 extra outdoor gas heaters that helped to make it a bit more tolerable outside. I also organized some real bushveld fire wood that was burned in 2 containers.

Adriaan had a huge job getting everything in the garden finalized for the party, thanks Adriaan!

I will not forget little Rolan with his inflatable wings and windbreaker and beanie on the head....when he grows up he will realize that his mother dressed him funny.

This year, the party was thankfully fairly civilized except for the hooligan spinning his cars wheels. Looks like the older one gets the earlier your friends want to go to bed. One of these days we will have to get permission from the matron to leave our rooms after 17h00.....ok, ok only joking.

I really appreciate the effort that went into all of the organization as well as the effort that was made by those who attend the function. Thanks for the gifts, I'm sure the wine and beer will last till next year.

More photos here.


OK! This is something I will do again. We gathered at the fountains nature reserve and enrolled for the medium race. There were a 21km race also but I decided it must still be fun don't want to work so hard so the 12km race sounded perfect.
It works as follows: You get a map marked with 16 points that must be reached in sequence as fast as possible on your MTB. Everyone compete on his own against time. Contestants are set off in 2 minute intervals.


What we did: Ursula started 2 minutes before me and waited for me. I navigated and she followed, quit the opposite to how we normally cycle. We cycled quite strong but I made a mistake at the 4 th point. I was still so exited that did not realize you have to follow the sequence of points. It would eventually cost us a lot of time.


Gert, Francois and Daléne cycled in a group and did a lot better. They even gave Daléne all the tags to punch at the checkpoints so that they have longer time to study the map. Francois have Springbok colors in aeronautical navigation, and Gert was in the army and went back as a mercenary where you have to read maps to survive, which must have given them an advantage. Ursula and I are faster on the mountain bikes, for sure!

At the end of the race it stared to rain, so I'm glad we did not opt for the longer 21km one. We had a braai after the race.


According to the official results Deléne was the third woman home. Congrats! During the prize giving function everyone except me got a lucky draw price, looks like today was not my lucky day.

Photography Lesson

A while back I met Ronel, a professional photographer and she invited me to come and play with the lighting equipment in her studio.
I invited friends to join me for a a Saturday morning Photography Lesson. Ronel tough us a couple of things that we would normally not be able to do with our own equipment.
My dad, Therese, Henriette and I all have Canon cameras. Unfortunately Gert were not able to make it, but between all of us we have quite a collection of equipment. Ronel spoiled us with cookies and drinks during the day, and patiently answered all our questions.
We had a very beautiful and friendly model posing for us. My favorite photo is one with a single light box from the side. Must be honest I was not even talking to the model we were concentrating on the light an camera settings and laptop, so much was going on.
We also did simple things that did not require any special equipment other than a flash.
Cheerry in glass, Transparent glass and Light painting
After the day in the studio I realized being a professional photographer is not just a matter of taking pictures, it is controlling every aspect of what is in the picture.

More photos here. Thanks for our time Ronel!

Camping with Mel & Ed on farm

This weekend the whole Reyneke family made the trip down to Bela Bela with the caravan. What a huge organization it turned out to be. The caravan had to be fixed and cleaned and everything had to be tested. It looked like Adriaan prepared to go away for ever. Ursula and I just grabbed one of the rooms in the house, no sweat.
The rest were accommodated as follows: Mel & Ed in the big Wilk caravan, Ann and Adriaan in the Caravette 5 caravan, Eddie and Lizelle in their chopper tent.
There was a lot of excitement because it would be the first chance Adriaan would get to try out his new quad bike. After servicing the bike and sorting out a couple of problems it behaved quite well and provided all of us with a lot of entertainment. Was also interesting to compare the Rustler against the King Quad, both the same physical size but completely different bikes and behavior.
Friends of Mel and Ed also showed up and decided to sleep over.....during the evening a snake skin was found in the house and suddenly they decided to rather spend the night in the car!
It was freezing cold outside but they resisted the comfort of the house....I'm glad neither me nor Ursula are afraid of snakes.

Sunday morning we packed up in the rain, quit unusual for this time of year. It was a mess to get the caravans packed but at the end of the day I think everyone enjoyed the weekend.

Monumentpark-Wes gemeente is 25jaar oud

Monumetparkpark-Wes gemeente en kerk was ‘n belangrike deel van my vorming as kind en vandag is die kerk deel van my menswees.

Omdat ek nie regtig ‘n skrywer is nie is dit moeilik om my emosies van Sondag oggend 18 Mei 2008 te beskryf. Die oggend diens was die hoogtepunt van ‘n naweek se feesvieringe aangesien die kerk 25 jaar oud is.

Sondag oggend in die kerk kon ek voel dat my hart met vreugde gevul is omdat ek deel is van ‘n gemeenskap wat die Here dien, ‘n gemeenskap met ‘n visie i.t.v. van God, medemense (mekaar) en die wêreld. Die leraars van die afgelope 25 jaar het elkeen die gemeente op sy manier gelei en my lewe beinvloed.

Tydens die diens was my oë ‘n paar keer gevul met trane omdat ek bietjie terug gedink het aan alles wat in die gemeente beleef het.

Daar was fotos geprojekteer van die terrein voor die kerk gebou is. Die terrein was bekend vir sy BMX-baan. Ek weet tot vandag nie wie die baan gebou het nie, maar dat ek lekker fiets gery nee gejaag het is verseker. Dit was ook die plek waar ek en my boetie ‘n paar keer geval en seer gekry het. En soos ‘n kind se wêreld mos maar is kon ek nie verstaan waarom daar ‘n kerk moes kom, want nou gaan die BMX-baan mos gesloop word.

Hierdie was ook die kerk waar my sussie gedoop is. Ek is amper 7 jaar ouer as my sussie en ek en my boetie moes haar indra. Ek het ‘n nuwe gehekelde rok aangetrek, die het amper soos my sussie se dooprokkie gelyk, my boetie het mooi langs my geloop en ons was trots om Andorette die kerk intedra. Ek kan nog onthou hoe ons gesing het “Jesus neem die kleine kinders aan….”

“Wakker-bly-aande” by die kerk was ook lekker tye. Ek sal nooit vir Matys en al sy biery vergeet nie. Matrys se pa was ‘n boer en Matys het geken van beeste. Wanneer almal begin moeg raak het Matrys die meisies opgeveil soos beeste en ‘n dominee moes altyd bietjie keer, want anderste het hy meisies begin beskryf soos beeste.

In die gemeente het ek ook die eerste keer regtig met die werklike en harde betekenis van die woord dood te doen gekry. Ek kan onthou hoe ons saam as SKJA by gebreekte ouers op ‘n Vrydagmiddag gesit en huil het oor ‘n naby vriend wat in ‘n motorongeluk dood in die buurt verongeluk het. Saam as groep het ons ‘n klip oor bloed gerol en het ons huilend gesing tydens ‘n roudiens.

Gemeentekampe in die berge van Fiksburg. Soggens vroeg was dit gebed en kort daarna koffie en beskuit. Kleilat was daar altyd gespeel, en kampvuur stories was daar baie, ek het self eenkeer raas gekry by my ouers omdat my nuwe netball tekkies gesmelt a.g.v. die hitte van die kampvuur. Ek kan onthou hoe ‘n ouer groep ‘n kruis op die berg aan die brand gesteek het terwyl ons “jonges” onder by die berghuis vir die ouer groep gesing het “Praat ek mense engele tale…”

Voor die gemeente het ek ook my geloof bely en ‘n beleidende lidmaat geraak.

Dit was ook die gemeente wat betekenis vir my aan die woorde versorg mekaar gegee het. Die gemeente se liefde en ondersteuning na my pa se skiedelike dood was aangrypend. Ek kan onthou hoe gemeentelede vir ons kos gebring het en ons as huis omvou het in liefde. Op daardie stadium was ek emosioneel en het ek nie die waarde daarvan verstaan nie, maar vandag weet ek dat my gemeente omgee.

Ek is 32 jaar oud en 25 jaar van 32jaar was Monumentpark-Wes deel van my lewe. Die invloed wat die kerk op my gehad is sigbaar in die keuses wat ek in die lewe gemaak het en sal maak.

Ek is dankbaar en bly om deel te wees aan ‘n kerk soos Monumentpark-Wes. Dit was lekker om tydens ‘n feesdiens ou gesigte - ooms, tannies, dominees en ou vriende weer te sien.

Ek gaan die gemeente se verjaarsdag rustig verder indie sitkamersonntejie vier, want die feesuitgawe van die Posduif ons gemeente “koerant” gaan ek stadig sinnetjie vir sinnetjie lees, terwyl ek rustig my tee drink.

Night with Randall Wicomb

Randall Wicomb is ‘n ou bekende Afrikaanse sanger. Liedjie soos die Rooi Rok en die Wit broek ken elke Afrikaans sprekende Suid Afrikaner, want dit het hom bekend gemaak.

Vrydag het ons gemeente Monumentparkpark-Wes ‘n “Randall Wicomb aand” gehou. Ek en Helgard het by tafel nr3, links voor kaartjies vir ons bespreek. ‘n Piekniek mandjie en ‘n bottle wyn is ingepak vir die vertoning wat om 7uur begin.

Ek en Helgard was bietjie laat aangesien ons eers na Lyttleton-Oos kersksaal moes soek. Ek dink ons het by elke kerk in Lyttleton gestop voor ons by Lyttleton –Oos gestop het.

Dit is altyd lekker om ‘n bekende te “google”, so ‘n paar sinne oor Randal Wicomb.


Randal Charles Wicomb is amper 60, hy is gebore in die Kaapstad op 30/01/1949.

Hy is pa van 1 seun en 2 dogters. Hy het ‘n B.Sc (Hons) asook ‘n onderwys diploma. In sy vrye tyd is hy ‘n koppersmit en doen hy pottry, hy gym ook graag.

Buiten die Rooi Rok het hy bekend geraak vir die Griekwa Psalms. Ek wens ek kon die hele geskiedeniss weergee soos wat hy dit vertel het, eksentriek is hy verseker so ek gaan nie eers probeer nie.

Hans du Plessis het die tekste van die Griekwa Psalms geskryf en Randall het die verwerking op sy eie unkieke manier gedoen. Randall het ‘n baie sterk aanvoeling vir die Griekwa-kultuur en daarom is die uitbeeling tydens die vertoning iets unieks.

Helgard het die CD en VCD getiteld “Innie skylte vannie Jirre” gekoop. So saam met die kopery kan met ‘n foto neem.

(Randall Wicomb het my darem vertel hoe mooi ek is, was natuurlik daardie oommblik weer op ‘n “high”. OK-ok, ek weet dat alle kunstenaar dieselfde is, vertel jou altyd hoe mooi jou hare en oë net sodat jy nog ‘n CD kan koop, maar dis altyd lekker om te hoor)

Jarrot’s third birhday 24 March 2008

Monday the family got together to celebrate Jarrot’s birthday. I baked a cake for him and the family (even Adriaan) sang Happy Birthday. Jarrot also sang with us for himself. Jarrot tried to blow out the candles, but spraying out the candles is better description. Jarrot liked the idea of singing and blowing candles so we had to repeat it a few times.


Helgard and myself gave him a toy car and some sweets. He filled the small toy Porsche with sweets and made obstacles of the sweets.

Happy birthday Jarrot! More pictures here

Easter weekend 2008

Good Friday morning we were up early and we went to church. The minister Dr. Christo de Klerk touched my heart by the way he describe the suffering of Jesus. When using the bread and wine during the service I realized how much He went threw for us.

After church we stopped at my mum, we had coffee and we talked for more than 2 hours.

Mel and Ed invited us to their farm near Bela-Bela for the weekend. Bela-Bela is hot and dry, or like Des said anything north of the Zambesi is very hot, with a smile on his face he added Zimbesi "drive". Soon after introducing us to Karin, Des, Doreen, Tanya. Helgard had to change his winter shirt for a summer one. The weekend wasn’t just hot it was filled with laughter, campfire talk and dancing.


A campfire always creates a conversation of its’ own but Saturday night the campfire talk was exchanged for dancing. I still can’t believe that I was dancing with crutches.

Sunday night it started raining, my eyes closed in the conversation and my head was on Helgard’s shoulder, I can remember waking up a few times because Helgard’s body was shaking as his was laughing.

In the car on our way back from the farm Helgard and myself agreed that we feel relaxed and the weekend did us wonders.

Thanks Mel and Ed for inviting us. More photos here

Friday, February 29, 2008

Camera back from the dead

After our last kayak trip my Minolta DiMage G400 digital camera was drenched with water. I removed the battery as soon as I saw the the fact.
Back home I took the camera apart and saw the damp on the inside. I left it disassembled for a day or two, resisted the urge to put the battery back as long as possible. Eventually I put it back but the camera was dead as a duck. he honest I was really upset. This little 4MegPixel camera is kicking my EOS 20D's but with quick fun pictures. It is extremely sharp and it still has a view finder something new point and shoot cameras don't have.

Kath wanted to toss it in the dustbin for me, I resisted.

The little silver bugger I was lying around on my desk for a month, I even took the charger plug out of the multi plug and put it away.
Some how the battery and the camera was separated but today while cleaning up my desk I slipped the battery back in to the camera and for fun switched it on.
It was alive!
Asking for the date on its bright LCD display, I quickly took a photo and the camera seems to be OK! I'm so happy. Going to buy a new waterproof Pelican case for this little one as well as a 1G SD card.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Leg in a cast

Early in January I went for a run, at the 4km mark I could feel that there was some pain in my left foot. A runners’ always believe one has to run through the pain. I tried to run through the pain but at the 8km I stopped and took my shoe off. The next 4km was very hard, it was getting dark and I could not run. I do not run with my cell phone so there was no way that I could contact someone to pick me up, the idea of hitch hiking even went threw my head. When I got home I was crying, had a bath and put my foot in the air.

The next day my foot felt better, the days that followed I realized that I need some medicine to take the inflation away. Helgard stopped at the chemist and I bought an over the counter painkiller. A week after the incident Helgard talked me into going to the doctor. The doctor explained that it was only my muscle and I need to drink some cortisone. I finished the cortisone,and painkillers and changed my exercising program to swimming.

Deléne (the doctor among the friends) helped me to bind my foot, a fracture was the next diagnoses since the pain did not want to go away.

Apparently swimming is the kind of exercise that your foot need when there is a problem. In my exercising program I focused on swimming because the Midmar mile was my goal.


After swimming the Midmar Deléne put my foot in plaster. It was my first time in plaster, it was a difficult 2 ½ weeks. I couldn’t help myself, couldn’t even drive. Helgard was very nice a helped a lot even offered me his automatic car, that made life easier

Doctor Helgard took my plaster off while he was drinking a beer. The photo will explain why I was worried……


I realized that my foot wasn’t healed, so I went back to the doctor I he referred me to the optometrist. The optometrist gave me a few options but I decided to have plaster on the foot again. So in plaster again, have cabin fever, but hopefully my foot will heal within the next month.


More pictures here

Midmar Mile 2008-02-09

Friday dawned bright with anticipation and eventually by lunchtime we (Kevin, Ursula, Helgard and Kath) were driving down to the beautiful emerald green KZN. Unfortunately after a blistering hot week there was a cold front so by the time we got to Van Reenen's Pass, it was cold and miserable and misty.

After arriving in Howick, we sat down to a glass of sherry before everyone set up their "camp" in the workshop. Because it was raining so much, everyone decided to sleep in the occupational workshop at Sunfield because it was nice and dry, although we were prepared to pitch our tents camp on the lawn.
Saturday morning dawned and Kath woke up really early to go and collect everyone's caps and tags. Ursula did the coffee rounds and before long we were ready to pile into Gert's jeep - 9 of us. It was a squash but with everyone's excitement the sardine can didn't feel too bad.
Thousands of people converge on Midmar dam each year to swim the largest open water swimming event of the year. By the time we got there, the traffic was already queuing and we had to find parking. After sorting out our stuff we caught the Halfway Toyota taxis that ferry the swimmers from the finish to the start. And there we waited and waited. Our race was delayed because the mist made the swimming conditions dangerous. Helgard and Ursula stood in the water most of the time as it was warmer in the water than out!! FINALLY, we could give our stuff to the coaches and make our way to the pens where you are separated by your cap color. (First seeds are red, then blue, yellow, green and white.) Waiting anxiously, we huddled for warmth while the first batch (red) went and then 3 minute intervals until our turn. Time for a quick team photo before the whistle and off we went.

The swim was great and didn't seem as long as you think it is. Ursula gave Helgard a good skop (kick) before leaving him and finishing the race in 42 minutes - preparing him for marriage :-) We all met at the stairs and had some OBS (Old Brown Sherry) before heading to a bar for a dop or two and then homeward for a shower and warm clothes.

That evening Gert made a delicious potjie, Kath's family as well as other friends visited and everyone was celebrating. Unfortunately it was still pouring with rain but the atmosphere was still great. Stuard was a bit reluctant to join in on the sheeps head, sticking to the potjie. The swimmers were a little tired so the party ended early, but it was well worth it.

The next day, Stuart swam his race and then it was home again for some sparkling wine and orange juice before heading up through the rain, over the pass and reaching sunny Gauteng.

More photos here, thanks Kath!

Faerie Glen Nature Reserve Sunday 3 February 2008

A Sunday is always a nice and relaxing day. Sunday after church Francois phoned Helgard and said that he wants to be outside. We agreed on a hike in the Fearie Glen Nature Reserve. Since I have a fractured bone in my foot, Francios and Helgard went hiking for 2hours while I enjoyed a Coke at the coffee shop. Later two extremely tired hikers joined me, according to them they summited the highest peak.


After both of them had two Cokes at the coffee shop we got into the car and had a picnic at Fort Klapperkop. Like real entrepreneurs the World Cup 2010 and the business opportunities was discussed.
Francois felt like ice cream and we drove around to find a Steers. We had a big ice cream while laughing and talking about silly things.

The evening when Helgard and I were laying in front of the TV, I felt tired but happy, because it was a day outside.

More photos here

Kayking Vaal-Below Parys 26 January 2008

After 2 rainy weeks the kayaking group (Delène, Gert, Helgard and I) thought it was a good idea to paddle threw a few fast moving rapids on the Vaal. Gert is the "scout" among the kayakers, so he insisted on the rapids below Parys. The water in the river was above 100cumec
Water level

The trip started of with a few long but slow rapids. Just after the hanging bridge the real action started with the Big Daddy rapid. With a name like "Big Daddy and the sound of the water I decided to get out and carry my kayak. The force of the water was to strong, screaming and shouting I went down the rapid, I even went with my back down the river, it was a scary experience.
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When the river spited, Helgard took the stream to right and Gert, Delène and I kept to left. We were unlucky because water hyacinths stop us from paddling, and we had to make our way through the 30m of of the alien invader plant. Water hyacinths sounds like a little "problem", but it was hard work, because one has to push one threw the hyacinths floating on top of the water, fit the current pushing below. The hyacinths are capable of choking the river that it looks like a grassland, see the Wikipedia page anyway…
The 1st 3 rapids after the hyacinths are called "Gapping Jaws" they are relatively easy to paddle threw. After the Gaping Jaws there is a pool and a drop, because of the high water there are huge waves.

After all the excitement we caught up with Helgard who was lying in the sun and drinking beer. (The stream that he took was definitely shorter and easier.)
After we met up with Helgard Delène and myself organized the cars while Gert and Helgard paddle further down the river.

In the process Helgard saw his camera and cell phone floating in water inside his watertight bag....we are minus one camera at this stage.

Gert and Helgard encountered two more rapids of note. At the last rapid called "Gatsien" (roughly translated it means see you arse). Helgard and Gert got stuck on the rocks just before the rapid. While being stuck Helgard retrieved a paddle form from the river, the next moment the stream caught the back of his boat and from there on he was only a passenger. He went backwards through the greatest rapid ever (ok apart from Visgat rapid that nearly killed all of us). With a lot of struggling Gert worked himself loose from the rocks but did not manage to fasten his splash skirt. Fortunately Gert made it through the rapid but his kayak was flooded. The kayak was filled with water to the top, very funny.

More photos here

Monday, January 07, 2008

New Year 2008 !

There is not a lot to be said about the new years celebrations of 2008. It was a quite evening with friends at my mum’s house. We had a barbecue and champagne at 12h00.

For the past 8 years Adriaan (my bother) fell asleep while every one was celebrating the New Year. This year he was awake, enjoying champagne and entertaining every one with some firecrackers. It was the first time Jarot saw fireworks.

Happy new year everybody!

Chrismas 2007

December is always filled with Christmas get-togethers, the highlight is of cause Christmas Eve and Christmas day.

Christmas Eve was spend with Helgard’s family. Munda (Helgards’ sister in law) went threw a lot of trouble to make the evening rememberable. The Christmas table was set with a Christmas theme and the food was delicious.


The family members had an agreement that there wouldn’t be presents, but Helgard’s dad was Santa, didn’t listen to anybody and bought the whole family presents, thank you Santa Jerry. The Ross family is a caring family and it was nice to be between people that value their family and Christmas.

On Christmas day the cat was our alarm. He wanted some food so he maaued till Helgard got up; lucky for me I got coffee in bed. While we were drinking coffee Helgard gave me my presents. Helgard knows that I enjoy “bath time”, so I got a nice soft, white bath robe and some rose bath salt. Helgard is a Wii-fan, so he got another remote for his toy. We couldn’t spend too much time in bed, because the church service was at 8 o’clock. The church service was something special and when we sang Silent Night I could feel the love and peace of the day in my heart.

At the Reyenke’s house (my family) the food especially the meat is very important on Christmas day. Adriaan put some lamb and pork in the Weber and my mother did the rest of the cooking in the kitchen. It is always nice to have a little one in the family when it is Christmas because they really enjoy Christmas. Jarrot enjoyed the presents, sweats and swimming pool.


The evening Helgard and myself were tired. It was nice to feel the peace and love of the day when I fell asleep in his arms.
More photos here

Kayak on Klip River

After the excitement we had last time on the Kip river See (Too much of a good thing) It was decided that more time will be spent on scouting out the route to prevent us from spending too much time in the water. Gert and I used Google Earth to measure the distance we wanted to go and this time it came to 15.43 km which is much more respectable for a leisurely Saturday cruse.
We arrived at 9h30 at the launch spot and asked at the neighboring houses if we could leave the cars in their yards. In the mean time Gert phoned and told us they bring along two more guys too and they are on their way to leave one of their cars at the end our river journey. The previous time we saw a caravan park and picked it to be our end point. To Gert's surprise the caravan park was deserted, gates locked and nobody to be seen. A small problem because this is now the planned end point, fortunately he found a friendly guy in the street busy mowing his lawn. Gert struck up a conversation and the guy and he borrowed Gert his gate key. The caravan park is between the river and the back of his property, looks like everyone in the street has a key for accessing the back of their yards.

Eventually we launched and Sybie and Morné joint us on their wave boards. There are a couple of differences to our kayaks. We sit inside, they sit on top. We have a lot of space to pack tents and food and beer, they can bring along an apple and a bottle of water. Their boards are wider than the kayak, so sometimes we crossed obstacles a bit faster. Their boards are on top of the water so they turn much faster than we could. At the end of the day it does not matter for what we did the day.

This was the first time all of us went kayaking after the notorious killer rapid. Too be honest I wasn't in a hurry to go down the first rapid we came across. It looked like nobody wanted to go down the rapid. Eventually all of us made it through.

The next bigger rapid we crossed a tree trunk was placed nearly in the middle of the rapid and Sybie was unfortunate to make contact with it. Ursula was also swimming and bumped her knee again. After fishing everyone out on the riverbank we took a break for a byte. Sybie took quite some time out to recover from his injury while Dalené tried to help.


There was definitely more water in the river, and more tree trunks was in our way, looks like there was a lot of water down the river since the last time we saw it. The water was very muddy and it is better not to think too much of what may be lurking beneath.

Dalené was still trying to come to grips with her engagement ring.


Eventually we came to our deserted caravan park and the last rapid of the day. It was so nice Gert and I just had to do it a couple of times, for the experience….ok both of us wanted a white water picture.

When we tried to get out of the caravan park Gert realized that he left the borrowed key in his car, where he began our trip. Now they had to find a second person willing to borrow his key!

Eventually everything was sorted out with the cars and the equipment and we even had time to braai a nice big fillet steak.

What a day! More photos here