
Sunday, June 22, 2008


OK! This is something I will do again. We gathered at the fountains nature reserve and enrolled for the medium race. There were a 21km race also but I decided it must still be fun don't want to work so hard so the 12km race sounded perfect.
It works as follows: You get a map marked with 16 points that must be reached in sequence as fast as possible on your MTB. Everyone compete on his own against time. Contestants are set off in 2 minute intervals.


What we did: Ursula started 2 minutes before me and waited for me. I navigated and she followed, quit the opposite to how we normally cycle. We cycled quite strong but I made a mistake at the 4 th point. I was still so exited that did not realize you have to follow the sequence of points. It would eventually cost us a lot of time.


Gert, Francois and Daléne cycled in a group and did a lot better. They even gave Daléne all the tags to punch at the checkpoints so that they have longer time to study the map. Francois have Springbok colors in aeronautical navigation, and Gert was in the army and went back as a mercenary where you have to read maps to survive, which must have given them an advantage. Ursula and I are faster on the mountain bikes, for sure!

At the end of the race it stared to rain, so I'm glad we did not opt for the longer 21km one. We had a braai after the race.


According to the official results Deléne was the third woman home. Congrats! During the prize giving function everyone except me got a lucky draw price, looks like today was not my lucky day.

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