
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Easter weekend 2008

Good Friday morning we were up early and we went to church. The minister Dr. Christo de Klerk touched my heart by the way he describe the suffering of Jesus. When using the bread and wine during the service I realized how much He went threw for us.

After church we stopped at my mum, we had coffee and we talked for more than 2 hours.

Mel and Ed invited us to their farm near Bela-Bela for the weekend. Bela-Bela is hot and dry, or like Des said anything north of the Zambesi is very hot, with a smile on his face he added Zimbesi "drive". Soon after introducing us to Karin, Des, Doreen, Tanya. Helgard had to change his winter shirt for a summer one. The weekend wasn’t just hot it was filled with laughter, campfire talk and dancing.


A campfire always creates a conversation of its’ own but Saturday night the campfire talk was exchanged for dancing. I still can’t believe that I was dancing with crutches.

Sunday night it started raining, my eyes closed in the conversation and my head was on Helgard’s shoulder, I can remember waking up a few times because Helgard’s body was shaking as his was laughing.

In the car on our way back from the farm Helgard and myself agreed that we feel relaxed and the weekend did us wonders.

Thanks Mel and Ed for inviting us. More photos here

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