
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Kloets aka Henk Louis

On Sunday 15 June my cousin Henk Louis was tragedy killed in a motor car accident. One hear this type of headline frequently in the news or on a newspaper or a blog. What makes this different is that it is My cousin. What made it a tragedy was that it was on Father's day, it was a week from his 25th birthday, he was killed! and it looked like he was not at fault.

I was quit a bit older than him 15 years to be exact. When you are a schoolboy it is a lifetime, there are no way to associate with a small baby when you have more important things to care about like homework and puberty and, and. Later in life our paths converged a bit and he with his brothers and sister turned out to be very pleasant and interesting people.... If only I knew him better...If only.

During the memorial service, which was the saddest event I have attended in a while, we learned a bit about his character and personality. My uncle and aunt brought up a young man that was going to go places. He lived a full life and will be missed by all.
Henk Louis 20June 1983 to 15 June 2008

Although a sad event the service was also inspirational. The minister was blind and presented a service without notes. The cry of small babies could be heard in he chapel, giving sound to life.

One of the things that one tend to forget during our busy lives is the power of family and friends. I saw the support that was given to the family at a moments notice as a beautiful gesture, from all corners of Southern Africa the family converged together to be at the memorial service. Hendricus had a long list of people to thank in the chapel, people expressing love toward the family by giving the from the smallest to be biggest. I'm glad to be part of such a family.

Our deepest condolences goes to Hennie, Louise, Henricus, Maree, Louise and Natanya.

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