
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Camping with Mel & Ed on farm

This weekend the whole Reyneke family made the trip down to Bela Bela with the caravan. What a huge organization it turned out to be. The caravan had to be fixed and cleaned and everything had to be tested. It looked like Adriaan prepared to go away for ever. Ursula and I just grabbed one of the rooms in the house, no sweat.
The rest were accommodated as follows: Mel & Ed in the big Wilk caravan, Ann and Adriaan in the Caravette 5 caravan, Eddie and Lizelle in their chopper tent.
There was a lot of excitement because it would be the first chance Adriaan would get to try out his new quad bike. After servicing the bike and sorting out a couple of problems it behaved quite well and provided all of us with a lot of entertainment. Was also interesting to compare the Rustler against the King Quad, both the same physical size but completely different bikes and behavior.
Friends of Mel and Ed also showed up and decided to sleep over.....during the evening a snake skin was found in the house and suddenly they decided to rather spend the night in the car!
It was freezing cold outside but they resisted the comfort of the house....I'm glad neither me nor Ursula are afraid of snakes.

Sunday morning we packed up in the rain, quit unusual for this time of year. It was a mess to get the caravans packed but at the end of the day I think everyone enjoyed the weekend.

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