
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Helgard's 40th Birthday

Yes it was my 40th birthday! We had a small function at Ursula's mums house in the garden in the middle of winter again. Like last year our dinner was a sheep on the spit that Wilhelm looked after for us. Ursula baked bread and prepared a lot of warm food and I'm sure nobody could complain about not having enough to eat.
This year we had 2 extra outdoor gas heaters that helped to make it a bit more tolerable outside. I also organized some real bushveld fire wood that was burned in 2 containers.

Adriaan had a huge job getting everything in the garden finalized for the party, thanks Adriaan!

I will not forget little Rolan with his inflatable wings and windbreaker and beanie on the head....when he grows up he will realize that his mother dressed him funny.

This year, the party was thankfully fairly civilized except for the hooligan spinning his cars wheels. Looks like the older one gets the earlier your friends want to go to bed. One of these days we will have to get permission from the matron to leave our rooms after 17h00.....ok, ok only joking.

I really appreciate the effort that went into all of the organization as well as the effort that was made by those who attend the function. Thanks for the gifts, I'm sure the wine and beer will last till next year.

More photos here.

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