
Monday, January 07, 2008

Chrismas 2007

December is always filled with Christmas get-togethers, the highlight is of cause Christmas Eve and Christmas day.

Christmas Eve was spend with Helgard’s family. Munda (Helgards’ sister in law) went threw a lot of trouble to make the evening rememberable. The Christmas table was set with a Christmas theme and the food was delicious.


The family members had an agreement that there wouldn’t be presents, but Helgard’s dad was Santa, didn’t listen to anybody and bought the whole family presents, thank you Santa Jerry. The Ross family is a caring family and it was nice to be between people that value their family and Christmas.

On Christmas day the cat was our alarm. He wanted some food so he maaued till Helgard got up; lucky for me I got coffee in bed. While we were drinking coffee Helgard gave me my presents. Helgard knows that I enjoy “bath time”, so I got a nice soft, white bath robe and some rose bath salt. Helgard is a Wii-fan, so he got another remote for his toy. We couldn’t spend too much time in bed, because the church service was at 8 o’clock. The church service was something special and when we sang Silent Night I could feel the love and peace of the day in my heart.

At the Reyenke’s house (my family) the food especially the meat is very important on Christmas day. Adriaan put some lamb and pork in the Weber and my mother did the rest of the cooking in the kitchen. It is always nice to have a little one in the family when it is Christmas because they really enjoy Christmas. Jarrot enjoyed the presents, sweats and swimming pool.


The evening Helgard and myself were tired. It was nice to feel the peace and love of the day when I fell asleep in his arms.
More photos here

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