
Saturday, October 04, 2008

Ariette Birthday

Helgard's aunt Ariette recently moved to Pretoria. Her daughter Cheryl decided to surprise her with a party on her 50th birthday. Since we just moved in and had lots of space available we offered our place as a venue for the party. The party was small with mostly family members in attendance.

The Saturday afternoon Cheryl and Michelle started decorating our garage. The garage doesn't have any ceilings, so the draping that Michelle and Cheryl put up made a difference. Munda with her "know-how-hands" used flowers and candles to make a venue like the garage look stunning.

Rudi and Ariette arrived a little early, but after some tears from Ariette everybody got something to drink.

Rudi was responsible for the food; the tasteful food on the menu was a sign of good planning.
The following was on the menu:
Starter - Pate and bread nicely decorated with "groen goed"
Main course - Greek salad, braaivleis, spinach and potato
Dessert - Birthday cake
Munda made a special birthday cake, she baked ouma Louise's carrot cake and decorated the cake with family photo. Ariette didn't want to cut the cake, because it was too beautiful. All the guests pressured her to cut bigger pieces, but she wanted to save the photos on the cake.

When Ariette got the opportunity to speech, she used it by making a toast on our new house, she also made a toast and wishing Leonard the best with his immigration to New Zealand.
We also had a toasted to Ariette and wishing her the best for the next 50 years.

All in all a lovely night with the family. More photos here.

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