
Saturday, November 08, 2008

Dak Natmaak

The rainy weather on a Saturday afternoon didn't stop friends and family to join our house warming party. The guest started arriving at 2 o'clock with food, wine and presents under their arms. Some of my friend I haven't seen for some time, so it was wonderful to see them again. I'm really glad that we have wonderful friends and family that share our happiness of a new house. The present weren't necessary but thanks everyone, we appreciate it dearly.
The party started with a rugby match that some people just couldn't miss. Well nearly everyone ended up in front of the TV, fortunately the bokke won!

I was busy showing the house and cooking so I didn't really talked to a lot of people. I can remember that I told some friends to leave the kitchen because I still had to do some cooking, they just answered, that they not going to sit somewhere else, the kitchen is big enough to that I can cook and they can enjoy them self by eating some of Gert's home-made bread. I was only smiling after this comment, because the previous kitchen in the townhouse was very small, it is a real privilege.

The best joke of the evening was when Jerry was telling Iné-Marie that his children needs a mother again.

Everyone enjoyed the party and the kids were sleeping in front of the television. I'm not sure if the kids were sleeping because of hungry of tiredness. Dinner was served late, why I don't know, I think everyone was enjoying the fire and laughter.

During the evening it was interesting to see how many ladies tried out GT4 on the Playstation.
After everyone left, Jerry and Ina-Marie had sherry with us. The house warming was lovely, so the dishes were washed with smiles while Helgard and myself were "reliving" the evening

More photos here

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