
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Leg in a cast

Early in January I went for a run, at the 4km mark I could feel that there was some pain in my left foot. A runners’ always believe one has to run through the pain. I tried to run through the pain but at the 8km I stopped and took my shoe off. The next 4km was very hard, it was getting dark and I could not run. I do not run with my cell phone so there was no way that I could contact someone to pick me up, the idea of hitch hiking even went threw my head. When I got home I was crying, had a bath and put my foot in the air.

The next day my foot felt better, the days that followed I realized that I need some medicine to take the inflation away. Helgard stopped at the chemist and I bought an over the counter painkiller. A week after the incident Helgard talked me into going to the doctor. The doctor explained that it was only my muscle and I need to drink some cortisone. I finished the cortisone,and painkillers and changed my exercising program to swimming.

Deléne (the doctor among the friends) helped me to bind my foot, a fracture was the next diagnoses since the pain did not want to go away.

Apparently swimming is the kind of exercise that your foot need when there is a problem. In my exercising program I focused on swimming because the Midmar mile was my goal.


After swimming the Midmar Deléne put my foot in plaster. It was my first time in plaster, it was a difficult 2 ½ weeks. I couldn’t help myself, couldn’t even drive. Helgard was very nice a helped a lot even offered me his automatic car, that made life easier

Doctor Helgard took my plaster off while he was drinking a beer. The photo will explain why I was worried……


I realized that my foot wasn’t healed, so I went back to the doctor I he referred me to the optometrist. The optometrist gave me a few options but I decided to have plaster on the foot again. So in plaster again, have cabin fever, but hopefully my foot will heal within the next month.


More pictures here

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