
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Midmar Mile 2008-02-09

Friday dawned bright with anticipation and eventually by lunchtime we (Kevin, Ursula, Helgard and Kath) were driving down to the beautiful emerald green KZN. Unfortunately after a blistering hot week there was a cold front so by the time we got to Van Reenen's Pass, it was cold and miserable and misty.

After arriving in Howick, we sat down to a glass of sherry before everyone set up their "camp" in the workshop. Because it was raining so much, everyone decided to sleep in the occupational workshop at Sunfield because it was nice and dry, although we were prepared to pitch our tents camp on the lawn.
Saturday morning dawned and Kath woke up really early to go and collect everyone's caps and tags. Ursula did the coffee rounds and before long we were ready to pile into Gert's jeep - 9 of us. It was a squash but with everyone's excitement the sardine can didn't feel too bad.
Thousands of people converge on Midmar dam each year to swim the largest open water swimming event of the year. By the time we got there, the traffic was already queuing and we had to find parking. After sorting out our stuff we caught the Halfway Toyota taxis that ferry the swimmers from the finish to the start. And there we waited and waited. Our race was delayed because the mist made the swimming conditions dangerous. Helgard and Ursula stood in the water most of the time as it was warmer in the water than out!! FINALLY, we could give our stuff to the coaches and make our way to the pens where you are separated by your cap color. (First seeds are red, then blue, yellow, green and white.) Waiting anxiously, we huddled for warmth while the first batch (red) went and then 3 minute intervals until our turn. Time for a quick team photo before the whistle and off we went.

The swim was great and didn't seem as long as you think it is. Ursula gave Helgard a good skop (kick) before leaving him and finishing the race in 42 minutes - preparing him for marriage :-) We all met at the stairs and had some OBS (Old Brown Sherry) before heading to a bar for a dop or two and then homeward for a shower and warm clothes.

That evening Gert made a delicious potjie, Kath's family as well as other friends visited and everyone was celebrating. Unfortunately it was still pouring with rain but the atmosphere was still great. Stuard was a bit reluctant to join in on the sheeps head, sticking to the potjie. The swimmers were a little tired so the party ended early, but it was well worth it.

The next day, Stuart swam his race and then it was home again for some sparkling wine and orange juice before heading up through the rain, over the pass and reaching sunny Gauteng.

More photos here, thanks Kath!

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