
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

We are engaged!

For a while I was planning to pop the question but was not sure when the occasion would present itself.
Thought of doing it with by birthday party but decided against it since it would be a bit too obvious and we were already celebrating. I new the anniversary of Ursula and my first meeting were coming up and it started to make more and more sense.
These days Ursula is working till 19h00 at night so I prepared dinner to be ready when she gets home. After work a quick trip to the supermarket was all that needed to be done to get all the supplies. I prepared chicken and potatoes in the oven and steamed some veggies.
Ursula arrived and I sent her to enjoy the bath with bubble bath I ran for her.

As we sat down for dinner I took the sparking wine from the fridge and reminded her that it is the anniversary of the day three years ago when we first met. It was good to remains about Taiwan and the good times we had since.
Ursula felt bad that se did not remember the date, but I told her that it is easy to remember since it is also the shortest day, and the longest night for us here in the southern hemisphere.
At the opportune moment I took her hand and told her that I have another way to remember the day, and asked her I she would like to get married…..

Ursula was caught off guard and between the laughter and the tears I was able to make out a YES.

We don’t have a ring yet and we will try and resolve a wedding date also in the near future, don’t want to drag these things out, looking forward to a good party.

We struggled to keep our mouths shut until we got permission from our parents.

The weekend I asked my dad, and before I asked he already told me he knew what I’m going to ask.
Ursula’s mom also was very happy for us and immediately gave her blessing, so it’s official now,


We are engaged!


Anonymous said...

Yay, yay, yay!!

I couldn't be happier for the both of you. You guys are such wonderful, loving people who inspire those around you.

And I'm so glad that my friend has found such true love and that her "butterflies" have been flying since they first met.

Yay, yay, yah!!

Anonymous said...

Ons moes darem vrek lank wag vir die een!!!! Baie geluk julle twee!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great stuff!! Baie geluk julle twee. Hope voorspoed. Roché & Adele

Unknown said...

Congratulations (finally)! What a wonderful news:) Wish you all the best.

Anonymous said...

I gotta speed up to be able to tick the "married" box.
Can't wait to hear from the bride!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Ursula, you won~
I still remember you always checked my fingers when we met in Taiwan! It's so wonderful to hear this sweet news! I am catching up! Just wait~ ^^

Anonymous said...

Ursela - Helgard

Dit is fantasties baie baie geluk, ek is so bly vir julle.

Gewonder wanneer die groot dag gaan wees en toe vat ek nog so lank om by die blog uit te kom. Julle het nou my aand gemaak!

Helgard, jy kry 'n JUWEEL, ek hoop jy weet dit.



Anonymous said...

Married Elaine from Taiwan:

Welcome to my married box..
Wow~ Wow~ Wow~
This is really the best news I heard recently.
wish you happy with all my heart
Every word here is so touching.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations folks! Helgard, you are a very lucky man. Take good care of her. Ursula, you look so beautifully happy. The light pours out of your face. I am so chuffed for you!


Louise (Taiwan)