
Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Ezemvelo Nature Reserve

In the July issue of Weg / Go! magazine the Ezemvelo Nature Reserve was discuss as the Nature Reserve of the month. The reserve is 20km gravel road outside Bronkhorstespruit. So Ezemvelo was an ideal Sunday day trip for Helgard, myself en Gert.

According to the brochure that one receives when entering the 10-000ha reserve, the reserve is naturally divided into grasslands and wetlands. We were visiting the reserve in June so the wetlands was dry, but Helgard and Gert did some birdwatching instead.

The grasslands made it easy to see Kudu’s, Waterbucks, Blesbucks, Zebra’s, Warthog, Black Wildebeest and Blue Wildebeest. We were able to take pictures of black and Blue Wildebeest to highlight the differences between the two species.

Look at the tail and main, the Black Wildebeest has a tail and main like a horse. This is something we did not know, thanks for the Weg/Go! magazine that gave us the clue.


There are varies activities to do, but we spent the day laughing and eating boerewors rolls under trees near the river.


Helgard and Gert could take some nice pictures as we were driving out and the sun was setting.


If you stay close to Pretoria visit the website and do this for a day trip.

More photos here

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