
Friday, September 28, 2007

Francois's 40th Birthday (Re-Run)

The weekend of 26 August was Francois re-run of his 40th birthday party. A re-run is just a nice way to say that you 41. The "age-thing" didn't stop Francois from being the "party-man"


Francios treated the group of friends for a weekend away at Mala Juba Lodge. All the guests had there own rooms with a swimming pool in the middle of all the rooms.


Saturday evening was highlighted by a game drive. Because we were a lot of people there were 2 bakkies a the Landover for the women and kids and the yellow bakkie for the guys. The trip started when we all got a "cup", the cup with your initials on it was filled with Tassenberg.


On the game drive we saw zebra's, bush bucks, kudu's ostriches and some birds. The game drive was relaxing till we got to the rhino's family. The mother walked closer to the Landrover, the baby followed the mother and soon the father was standing a meter a way from me. The Landrover couldn't move because moving would upset the family and they would get aggressive. Rachel the driver and owner of the farm know the animals, so she drove away when she taught they were calm. The yellow bakkie was still behind the laughter and wisdom of the "wise men" quickly changed to quiet when the rhino's walked closer to them. The yellow bakkie is usually the feeding vehicle. Luckily men could drive away without getting hurt/eten.


The evening a big fire was made, we all were sitting around the fire talking and drinking wine. Joleen and Francois made dinner very special by setting the table nicely and cooking good food. The chocolate fountain for dessert was a winner.


Saturday night after dinner we plaid a game called "pass the fire". A finger is dip into red Sambuca. The finger with the Sambuca is lit! With your finger alight you had to light the Sambuca finger of the person sitting on your left. Thus the flame is passed around at considerable speed in a circle. The punishment for letting the flam die is of cause to empty your cup of Sambuca. Everyone who played together had a red finger the next morning.

The night ended with friends sitting in a Jacuzzi and laughing.

Sunday morning was breakfast time, and what a breakfast!
After breakfast we all went for a walk in the bush. Francois, Roché and ___ started running and screaming "rhino's". We (only some) all did the same, because we thought that the rhino's of the previous night wanted to attack us. Luckily it was just a joke.

Sunday afternoon when everybody was saying good-bye, it was with sadness to leave, because the weekend was just to short.

More photos here and here

Francois made a very nice little video of the weekend that he showed us the next week. Wonder if it will make it onto YouTube?

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