
Friday, September 28, 2007

Kayak's on Vaal river

The weekend excitement started this week on Thursday already, Gert and Deléne bought two kayaks. Thursday evening Helgard and myself were invited to "test-drive" the kayaks on Rietvleidam. Gert knows Helgard very well and anything that Helgard test-drives he'll probably end up buying. Gert persuaded me with the web site that made the need for kayaks just bigger. (Don't look at the website )

Thursday night after the test drive we all had dinner at Mimo's it was just "Kayak-talk".

Friday morning Helgard woke up very excited, he had decided also to buy two kayaks for us. Helgard was on his way to Germany so Gert and Deléne had to do the buying. Friday we were very exited, but we have not seen the kayak's and SMS's and phone calls regarding the Kayaks went back and forth.

Saturday was an early morning, 04h40 the alarm went off. A shower couldn't even wake me up, but at 5h30 we were awake, excited, in the car and on our way to Parys. In Parys we met Gert and Deléne. About 20km outside Parys we stop to put our kayaks in the water. Everybody was laughing and excited. We didn't really know how to put the gear on, but between jokes and laughter we figured it out.


Gert was the first one to get wet, but when Helgard fell into the water twice, Deléne and myself couldn't stop laughing.
Kayaking looks very easy, but it was difficult for me, my kayak was controlling me. Everybody was very kind and nice and gave me some pointers, but it was difficult to start using the pointers, because the water level was very low and there were a lot of rocks.


At one stage fly fisher men took their lines out of the water and said very nicely: "you go"
The day was highlighted with laughter, sore bodies but happy hearts.

Rudi helped with the logistics by picking us up late Saturday afternoon. Saturday night we spent at the Van der Westhuisen's in Potchefstroom. They were very friendly and spoiled us.

After a long day up and on the water, we went to bed just before 12 o'clock, as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

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