
Friday, September 28, 2007

SPAR Women's 10km Challenge

Every year the well-known convenience store Spar organizes and sponsors a running race in certain regions. This year the Spar Ladies race for the Pretoria region was held on Saturday the 25 of August at the sporting grounds of LC de Villiers.
The race is famous among ladies, but guys in drag may also enjoy the race with the ladies.

This race was special for me because it was my first 10km under 50 minutes, but let me quickly run the race with my fingers.

Helgard and myself was both working till about 2o'clock. Helgard phoned me before 2o'oclock to wish me luck; I really appreciated it. Like normal I was a little late, so my warm-up was sprinting to the starting point. After the gun short I tried to move forward as quickly as possible, it was impossible because there were a lot of runners and walkers. I did my first kilometer in 7 minutes and 20 seconds. I realized that I had to speed up my pace if I want to finish under 50 minutes. At the 4 kilometer mark a friendly guy said "ladies your average is 5.06", I wanted to take it slower but I was doing math's in my head and I realized that I couldn't slow down. I didn't stop for water I just did maths in my head because I had a goal. At the 9km mark I saw a smiley friendly face, I realized that it was my standard 6 teachers that was running faster than me, she was the last bit of motivation that I needed to keep me going. Big was my smile when I stop my watch at 48 minutes and 38 seconds. There was nobody to take a picture but the one at the bottom will do for my memories.

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