
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Kayak on Vaal river to Groenoewers

Kyaking below the Vaaldam on Saturday 3rd of November

The Vaalriver is one of the borders of Gauteng and the Free State province. The Vaal is mostly wide and flat, unless you are in a rapid, real fun for a "kyaker ". Every season a couple of races are held at the Vaaldam and we started our trip an hour or so after the last guys started. The water level of the Vaal river dependents on the water release of the Vaaldam.

Kayaking is about having a good time, so Gerts' idea of paddling on the Vaaldam after a K1 race sounded like a very good idea. So November the 3rd was kayaking day for Ursula, Helgard, Deléne and Gert. Petro and Abrie joined us with their small rubber duck (inflatable boat). The slues gates were open till 10:00 and we started at 12:00, so the water level was as high as our excitement.

The first 1km was flat and it was easy to carry our kayaks over the first weir. The first major obstacle was the Chute where the whole river is forced into a width of 5 meters. The water makes waves that goes over your head as you paddle through it. After the Chute there were a few small rapids buy mostly open flat water with shallow rocks.


The Visgat rapid made for a memorable day,not because of the enjoyment but because of the pain you would experience the next couple of days.
The Visgat rapid is long and the terrain around it is full of huge boulders that makes portage nearly impossible. Gert was standing on the builders in the middle of the river and showing us the way. Approaching the rapid I saw Helgard's kayak upside down. In the rapid I had to paddle to balance the kayak, everything happened so fast. Towards the end of the rapid the current pushed the kayak to the right, turning me over. It felt like being in a washing machine.
After being washed out the kayaks were recovered and emptied, we also had to gather our thoughts before we could go on.

The rest was smooth sailing. After opening the first beer and the campsite we all started trading stories of our wounds and scares. I thinkGert wins the prize for the best scare of the day.

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