
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Jetski on Roodeplaatdam – 1 November 2007

When your phone is ringing at 7:45 in the morning with Gert's name on the screen you now that something social is going to happen later the day. Lateness and business made that I couldn’t pick up the phone, but by 11 o’clock Rudi had phoned to inform me that it is a Roodeplaat Dam day.

Just before 4 o’clock the cooler bag was packed and Helgard and I were on our way to the dam. To do something outside the daily routine always makes for a memorable day. The afternoon and evening was spent on with “braaivlies” and jet ski’s and a lot of aughts. Dalene had her first spin on a jet ski.
What made the evening special is when I used my senses.
The fire made its own cracking noises; friends were laughing and enjoying each other’s company. The croaking of frogs and the sound of crickets can be heard in the background. The water on the dam was “smooth” and one could see the reflection of the moon on the dam. I could smell the damp of the rain; walking bear foot in the dam with pebbles and stones under my feet, made me realized that I was living life again.

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