
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Ine-Marie Birthday Weekend

From 23-26 November we went to a game lodge near Ladysmith in Kwa-Zulu Natal.

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Ine-Marie was celebrating her birthday on the 25th of November with family and friends on her brothers game farm.
The long weekend was highlighted by a lot of bumpy and cold game drives, but it was great. Nature always offers something special and this weekend we saw a lot of game.


The giraffe family came very close to the lodge, so there were a lot of photo opportunities for Helgard.

The 4 rhinos roam between the lodge, river and mountain. We were fortunate to see them every time we went on a game drive.


On the game drive we saw a large herd of Kudu bulls.


Some other game that we saw included reedbucks, waterbucks, impalas, ostrich, blesbucks, warthog, steenbucks, duiker, eland, swartwilde beest, redhartebeest, rheebok, buchbuck

Every evening the table was nicely set for dinner and the food was delicious. Late evening at the camp fire with the sounds of the African bush were very special.


Saturday night we had an impala on the spit. The meat took about 3hours before it was done. Game meat doesn’t have a lot fat and the meat has to be marinade other wise it is very dry.


The campfire stories entertained us. Jerry (Helgard’s dad) mistook quick tan lotion for suntan lotion and walked around the weekend with pumpkin yellow hands and feet.
Johan the farm manager (Ina-Marie’s brother) entertained us with dagga stories of the local people.

It was a memorable weekend and we were happy to share Ina-Marie’s birthday with family and friends.

Ek en die bosvark het langs mekaar op die bank gesit vir ‘n foto geleentheid, klein Johan was die vark se lyf……, lekker lag.

More photos here

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