
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Ine-Marie Birthday Weekend

From 23-26 November we went to a game lodge near Ladysmith in Kwa-Zulu Natal.

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Ine-Marie was celebrating her birthday on the 25th of November with family and friends on her brothers game farm.
The long weekend was highlighted by a lot of bumpy and cold game drives, but it was great. Nature always offers something special and this weekend we saw a lot of game.


The giraffe family came very close to the lodge, so there were a lot of photo opportunities for Helgard.

The 4 rhinos roam between the lodge, river and mountain. We were fortunate to see them every time we went on a game drive.


On the game drive we saw a large herd of Kudu bulls.


Some other game that we saw included reedbucks, waterbucks, impalas, ostrich, blesbucks, warthog, steenbucks, duiker, eland, swartwilde beest, redhartebeest, rheebok, buchbuck

Every evening the table was nicely set for dinner and the food was delicious. Late evening at the camp fire with the sounds of the African bush were very special.


Saturday night we had an impala on the spit. The meat took about 3hours before it was done. Game meat doesn’t have a lot fat and the meat has to be marinade other wise it is very dry.


The campfire stories entertained us. Jerry (Helgard’s dad) mistook quick tan lotion for suntan lotion and walked around the weekend with pumpkin yellow hands and feet.
Johan the farm manager (Ina-Marie’s brother) entertained us with dagga stories of the local people.

It was a memorable weekend and we were happy to share Ina-Marie’s birthday with family and friends.

Ek en die bosvark het langs mekaar op die bank gesit vir ‘n foto geleentheid, klein Johan was die vark se lyf……, lekker lag.

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Zinkwazi Weekend

The celebration of Gert’s birthday at Zinkwasi beach is becoming a yearly institution. This year we stayed at the First House in Zinkwasi beach, this house was built in 1906. The stately house is perched on a hill that overlooks the lagoon and the main beach .
A lot of toys for the boys were taken on holiday. Gert’s Jeep couldn’t get all the toys on the beach, so help from the local boat club's tractor was called in. As seen in the photo it was a lot of fun.

In the end the toys weren’t just for the boys but every body enjoyed them. The guys enjoyed the jet ski’s and the kids enjoyed the kayaks.

It was also Helgard’s first time on a jet ski on the ocean. I cannot speak for him so his fingers are doing the talking………

Let me put it this way, if you can jet ski on a dam, it does not mean you can jet ski on the ocean. The first time Gert and Rudy told me they were exhausted from jet skis on the ocean I thought these guys are just getting old, but believe me the ocean is a different story. Look at these two pictures, If you have done it yourselves you would understand the rush, otherwise I don't think anyone can appreciate it, no matter how hard I try to explain.


One of the days at Zinkwasi was cloudy and windy, so I got every body to say something about the holiday.

  • Rudi couldn’t or didn’t want to say too much, but the word niiiiiiiiiice was coming out of his mouth.
  • The house was something special for Charmaine the location of the house is pronominal, but the porch on the second level is freaky.
  • Delene was smiling when she said that she had to sit up straight in her bed to sea and appreciate the view.
  • Gert didn’t want to say something because he is shy and didn’t feel like talking, but I think he enjoyed the romance that the sea offers.
  • Little RJ got a fishing rod so fishing and crab words were coming out of his mouth when I asked him about Zinkwasi.
  • Alice baked some sweet cakes and enjoyed the sea view.
  • Helgard couldn't stop smiling, kayak in the sea followed by a jet ski, made his day.
Once again it was memorable holiday with friends. We all want to thank the Van der Westhuizens who insists on sponsoring the holiday, thanks!

More photos here

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Kayak on Vaal river to Groenoewers

Kyaking below the Vaaldam on Saturday 3rd of November

The Vaalriver is one of the borders of Gauteng and the Free State province. The Vaal is mostly wide and flat, unless you are in a rapid, real fun for a "kyaker ". Every season a couple of races are held at the Vaaldam and we started our trip an hour or so after the last guys started. The water level of the Vaal river dependents on the water release of the Vaaldam.

Kayaking is about having a good time, so Gerts' idea of paddling on the Vaaldam after a K1 race sounded like a very good idea. So November the 3rd was kayaking day for Ursula, Helgard, Deléne and Gert. Petro and Abrie joined us with their small rubber duck (inflatable boat). The slues gates were open till 10:00 and we started at 12:00, so the water level was as high as our excitement.

The first 1km was flat and it was easy to carry our kayaks over the first weir. The first major obstacle was the Chute where the whole river is forced into a width of 5 meters. The water makes waves that goes over your head as you paddle through it. After the Chute there were a few small rapids buy mostly open flat water with shallow rocks.


The Visgat rapid made for a memorable day,not because of the enjoyment but because of the pain you would experience the next couple of days.
The Visgat rapid is long and the terrain around it is full of huge boulders that makes portage nearly impossible. Gert was standing on the builders in the middle of the river and showing us the way. Approaching the rapid I saw Helgard's kayak upside down. In the rapid I had to paddle to balance the kayak, everything happened so fast. Towards the end of the rapid the current pushed the kayak to the right, turning me over. It felt like being in a washing machine.
After being washed out the kayaks were recovered and emptied, we also had to gather our thoughts before we could go on.

The rest was smooth sailing. After opening the first beer and the campsite we all started trading stories of our wounds and scares. I thinkGert wins the prize for the best scare of the day.

Sylvia’s B-day PARTY – 2 November2007

Sylvia had a party at Cofi in Brooklyn, we went along with a couple of friends for dinner on Friday night. Sylvia looked very nice and her hair was done in a funky way.


Cofi is a very up market bar/restaurant and probably one of the better places I visited this year in South Africa. Guys and girls came dressed to impress and I must say it was difficult not to look around a bit.

The music was a bit too loud to talk to everyone at our table but fortunately I ended up next to Ronel a professional photographer. Well it is always interesting to talk to someone that knows there stuff. See for yourself on her website

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Jetski on Roodeplaatdam – 1 November 2007

When your phone is ringing at 7:45 in the morning with Gert's name on the screen you now that something social is going to happen later the day. Lateness and business made that I couldn’t pick up the phone, but by 11 o’clock Rudi had phoned to inform me that it is a Roodeplaat Dam day.

Just before 4 o’clock the cooler bag was packed and Helgard and I were on our way to the dam. To do something outside the daily routine always makes for a memorable day. The afternoon and evening was spent on with “braaivlies” and jet ski’s and a lot of aughts. Dalene had her first spin on a jet ski.
What made the evening special is when I used my senses.
The fire made its own cracking noises; friends were laughing and enjoying each other’s company. The croaking of frogs and the sound of crickets can be heard in the background. The water on the dam was “smooth” and one could see the reflection of the moon on the dam. I could smell the damp of the rain; walking bear foot in the dam with pebbles and stones under my feet, made me realized that I was living life again.

Rugby World Cup Final

Wow! The Springboks are in the final!
Throughout the world cup I found myself watching more and more rugby. Even offering my own opinion on some of the games and criticizing some players, like a true coutch rugby expert.
Fortunately the Bokke made it to the final and we had to go BIG for the game.
Gert bought a generator to make sure that we won't miss anything with the load shedding that is crippling our economy. He also upgraded his TV to 50".
I bought a Keg of Heineken and between me and Delené we were ready to finish it.
Ursula prepared snacks for us and we were pitched in front of the TV. Andre also joined us and we were in for a exiting 80 minutes.

Wow the Bokke won the final and we are the World champions for the next four years. (Note that I'm talking in the plural form) The country is taken over by Bok fever. People wore Springbok jersies to church, hair was spry green. We even thought the coach would stay employed...ok only for a day.
It is incredible to see what an effect a successful world cup campaign had on the morale of the country. I'm starting to look forward to the FIFA world cup 2010.

More photos here

My first 21km at Woodlands

My friend Memos has this habit of phoning me on a Friday to talk me into running a race. So Friday the 19th of October he phoned just to tell me on the 20th of October I have to run 21km. Memos doesn’t take “no” for an answer and soon the word “yes” came out of my mouth.

The day before a race it is always easy to say, “yes” but Saturday morning about 4o’clock the “race monster” attacked me. I woke Helgard up to tell him that I’m nervous about my first 21km. Helgard didn’t feel like any conversation, so he said “Do the 10km instead”. I replied “I want to do the 21km!” Helgard didn’t answer again, he was sleeping and snoring, and I also tried to sleep a little more.
At 05h20 my alarm went off, Memos phoned me at 05h25, just to make sure that I’m awake, I just told him that I was up, but not awake.

The race started at 06h00 at the Woodlands Boulevard. In the early stages of the race there were a lot of runners and a lot of “uphills”. All the water points had a good vibe, and at the water points rugby music was playing and people were singing along.
At the 7km mark the race splitted, the 10km turn left and the 21km went on straight. I was still feeling strong because I didn’t go too fast the first few kilometers. Fiscally I was “ok” but my mind told me to turn left. At the split I decided that I want to remember this race for the rest of my life, I didn’t get up at 05h20 for 10km and if the Springboks can play in the World Cup final I can run 21km, so after the “quick conversation” with myself I went on straight.

There were a lot of hills; the hills were tough because they were long. I didn’t walk, I just went on running slowly.
The 15km water point was something special. The Morelletta Nature Reserve was on the one side of the road and some girls were playing violin on the other side of the road. The calmness of the water point took me another 4km, and at 19km I was really tired, but soon after the 19km mark it was a “down”, my legs were hurting, but I knew that the finish line was 2km away.
At the finished line I received a medal, I was proud of myself, my first 21km and my time was 1:50 minutes. I stretched and had some Coke before I met Memos and Erika for breakfast.
Around the breakfast table I was showing off my medal. Memos and Erika told me that I have a gold medal, then I only realized that I was under the first 10 ladies, what a “wow” for me, my first 21km and I ran a gold medal.
I’m not sure if everyone that ran the 21km received a gold medal (will find out on Monday), but I’m so proud of myself that I’m already looking for sponsorships, I want to turn professional.
With pride I would like to thank:
• Thank you God for 2 arms and 2 legs, thank you for protecting me when I go running in the mornings.
• Dad even if you are not with me, your spirits is with me, thank you for teaching me the value of exercising life.
• Fritz, thank you for making running a way of living.
• Memos thank you for supporting me, when I’m lazy.
• And last Helgard – thank you for asking me the same question every morning “How was your run?”