
Monday, August 28, 2006

New PC (again)

I don’t know what it is but my luck with PC’s are running out, last week our LabPC refused to boot and with Blue screen of Death it reboots every time it tries to load Win98. It is particularly disturbing because the old hardware is failing and it just moves closer to a day where none of our lab test software is going to work any more since we use serial and parallel ports and old things like Turbo C to compile small and simple programs.

On Saturday my work PC froze up as I tried to get some projects finalized. It turned out that the motherboard just stopped working, and I was completely stranded, such a waste of time! I planted the old HDD in a new machine, but soon realized that I had another problem when I tried to access files on “Documents and Settings” now I did not have access to my own files any more.

My brother was not answering his phone so I searched the internet and found the following two articles that deals with the issue.

I took ownership and now I own my own files again!

Something else I came accross was a good way of remembering a strong password

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