
Thursday, August 31, 2006

Hail in Pretoria

August 25 was a cold Thursday evening and we tried to have a braai. Suddenly te weather turned nasty and wind was blowing cold. The next moment it started to rain and the raindrops turned into hail. We moved our fire to safety and we mowed into the house ourselves. The hail just kept coming down and after a while our suburb looked as if it was snowing.
Ursula’s camera was fortunately in her handbag and we took a couple of shaky pictures.

Jarrot found the taste of the hail particularly pleasing, his first hail experience…


Monday, August 28, 2006

New PC (again)

I don’t know what it is but my luck with PC’s are running out, last week our LabPC refused to boot and with Blue screen of Death it reboots every time it tries to load Win98. It is particularly disturbing because the old hardware is failing and it just moves closer to a day where none of our lab test software is going to work any more since we use serial and parallel ports and old things like Turbo C to compile small and simple programs.

On Saturday my work PC froze up as I tried to get some projects finalized. It turned out that the motherboard just stopped working, and I was completely stranded, such a waste of time! I planted the old HDD in a new machine, but soon realized that I had another problem when I tried to access files on “Documents and Settings” now I did not have access to my own files any more.

My brother was not answering his phone so I searched the internet and found the following two articles that deals with the issue.

I took ownership and now I own my own files again!

Something else I came accross was a good way of remembering a strong password

Friday, August 25, 2006

Cheryl 21 birthday

Cheryl my niggie het besluit om 21 te word, en maar die grootmens lewe trompop te loop. Haar ma Ariette het dit goed gedink om die hele familie na die verjaardag parytjie te nooi, voorwaar ‘n goeie idée. Ek is geva om ‘n paar fotos te neem, en dit is eintlik baie lekker want dan het mens weer iets waarna jy kan kyk en aan almal te dink.

Soos dit nou maar gaan in die lewe was daar ‘n paar gesigte minder die jaar en as ek so na die famielie foto kyk mis ek hulle nogal, hulle sou die partytjie ook geniet het. Daar is ‘n nuwe gesig of twee wat begin kuier of wat besig is om ernstig te kuier, en dis ook goed om te sien. Ons moet maar werk om die kringetjie groter te maak.


Die party was nou regtig lekker, die DJ ken sy storie en daar was heeltyd iemand besig om lyf te ruk. Ons het lekker ge-eet en gekuier, ag man dit was net sommer lekker.

Een voordeel van so ‘n party waar mens in slaap is dat jy kan gaan slaap as jy wil, so teen 1h00 in die oggend is mens maar flou. Een nadeel van so party waar mens in slaap is dat die pary nie ophou as jy gaan slaap nie, so teen 3h00 was die dansbaan nog lekker aan die gang. Ek is bly ek was nie die DJ nie, want Rudie het hom streng opdrag gegee dat hy sal besluit wanneer die musiek stop, en Rudie het nie genade nie. :-)

Ons moet verskoning vra dat ons so in kortbroek en plakkies kom party hou het, toe ons uit Pretoria weg is was dit winter en ons het langbroeke en lang hemde ingepak, op die party was dit somer en ons moes maar die laaste skoon klere na ons Eland vakansie aantrek.

Ek dink die was een verjaardag wat Cheryl nog lank gaan onthou. Dankie aan almal wat dit moontlik gemaak het.

Ek het baie fotos geneem, Ariette het al die fotos laat ontwikkel maar as jy ‘n CD wil he laat my weet.


In winter time some animals hibernate and others migrate. Last week we came out of hibernation and migrated for a week up north to the Limpopo province. This time we were going to camp for more than a week, so we invested a bit in camping gear….my car is too small now. For our next trip I think we will have to invest in a trailer for all the gear, and goods and toys. On the photo below you can see that we are “sorted” and camped in luxury.

We camped at the Eiland Health Spa close to Tzaneen. The main attraction is huge heated swimming pool and since it was low season we were the first people in the pool in the mornings and the last people to leave the pool on most days. The water is heated in a boiler room to around 30 degrees and that is warm enough to stay the whole day in the pool.

I took a lot of pictures of the Cape Glossy Starlings that camped with us; they kept our camp site clean of anything that is remotely edible. We were visited by a pair of squirrels that helped themselves to our cookies; the byte marks on the plastic lid gave it away, at least they posed for a nice photo the previous day.


One evening we were preparing a fire and we saw branches move behind us, I recognized the silhouette and ran for my camera. It had only the 17-85mm IS lens on it and I took a picture with the Speedlight attached. The eyes of the bush baby lit up like two headlights and the picture looks surprisingly good.

We took magazines and books along to read but we did not get round to it. We don’t know where the time went but we came back from our migration at least a bit rested.

More photos can be seen here