
Monday, June 12, 2006


Yes we went camping and the weather played along. Appart from the tent that Ursula bought in Taiwan we didn't have any other camping gear. We packed what we had, mostly food, blankets, and set off north. Ok we stopped for some supplies at Camping Warehouse but ended not buying everything from them, The sales assistant convinced us to go across the street and we found what we needed at Game (camping chairs) and at Builders Warehouse (shade netting). At Camping Warehouse an old guy starterd talking to us while we were trying out the camping chairs and it turned out that he knew the area that we wanted to visit, we followed his recommendation and camped at a place called "Temple" just outside Nylstroom.

The campsite was completely booked out and it took some "mooipraat" to get a camping spot. We ended up in a spot that the were that is guaranteed to be flooded when it rains....fortunately it didn't. It is winter here and the night was cold, we sat as close as possible to our small fire. We slept surprizingly warm, but without a mattress the ground is hard.
IMG_6418Next morning we set off to do more bird watching at Nylsvley nature reserve and at Vogelvontein a private farm next to the Nylsvley nature reserve. In our hurry to get out of Pretoria (That is a different story) I left my bird guide at home so we took pictures of everything with feathers to identify it later on the PC. Check out some of the better photos here
We were pleasantly surprised when we could hire binoculars at the nature reserve. The guard even let us leave the reserve to bring it back after we visited Vogelvontein. Ursula used the binoculars and I had my camera with the zoom lense so we were sorted. There were a lot of birds to see with quit a lot of water around. We spent the day in the veld and went back to Naboomspruit to grab something to eat. We ate a two different fast food restaurants, well I won't go into that, another different story. After the food we could think straight again went back to the campsite to pack everything for home. We stayed on the R101 and drove back slowly in Warmbaths we stopped for ice cream to end a great weekend out.

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