
Sunday, October 07, 2012

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

New face in town

Yesterday we met little Max Wolmerhans, a full 2.7kg. Eddy and Lizelle are the proud parents.

Difficult to beleve that such a small baby will be a strong man one day.

All of the best to parents and Max.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, March 27, 2009

Earth Hour, Lights Off!

Jozi switches off for Earth Hour

Get out the candles and switch off your lights, Jozi’s heading into the dark again but this time it’s for a good cause. It’s Earth Hour, WWF’s gobal campaign that asks you to join an estimated 1 billion people around the world and switch off your lights for one hour from 20:30 to 21:30 to draw attention to Climate Change on Saturday 28th March.

South Africa is switching off officially in Cape Town, Durban and Jo’burg. In fact one of South Africa’s favourite pulse-points, Sandton is hosting the Earth Hour Party 2009 at the Nelson Mandela Square where Jozi’s finest will watch the sky-line disappear when the lights are switched off for an hour. Come and join in this important event. Everyone is welcome.

It will be dark at our house on saterday night!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

ISS over my house

Het julle die ISS gesien die 10de Maart. Ons het hom 19h09 reg bo die huis gesien vir seker 2 minute. Dit lyk soos 'n vliegtuig wat nie sy ligte flikker nie. Op daai stadium was dit die helderste voorwerp in lug. Nice!

As jy mooi teleskoop het sal dit so lyk: Om te sien wanneer hy weer draai maak kyk hier

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Hello Elise

"Jacques & Therese have been blessed with a beautiful little girl - Elise Amelie Cilliers was born 8:56 weighing 3.4kg"

This was the notification we received that good friends of us is a little girl richer. She is already off with a good start, nice and fat with a lovely name :-)

Hope she brings you lots of joy and happiness.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ursula Birthday

On my birthday I woke up and I went for a run. Helgard was ready with coffee on my return, he also presented me with a small birthday card.

After reading the card he took me to his car, in the boot stood a huge box with a ribbon around it. I was over whelmed when I opened the box, because it contained the top of the range Kenwood mixer.

Thanks- you, thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, thank-you Helgard.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Gert Bacholors

With the help of Danita I contacted all the males that would attend Gert's wedding. Emails and SMSs were flying back an forth and eventually a date was set.

We held a braai for Gert at his house on a night Dalene had to work. Ursula prepared salad and we had meat and beer so we were set.
With a couple bags of wood on hand we had a friendly fire going and soon afterward we were braai-ing a meat and saussages. The mood was festive with a the guys telling jokes and stories and enjoying each others company.

At least all of us know each other now and the wedding party can just continue from here on.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Dak Natmaak

The rainy weather on a Saturday afternoon didn't stop friends and family to join our house warming party. The guest started arriving at 2 o'clock with food, wine and presents under their arms. Some of my friend I haven't seen for some time, so it was wonderful to see them again. I'm really glad that we have wonderful friends and family that share our happiness of a new house. The present weren't necessary but thanks everyone, we appreciate it dearly.
The party started with a rugby match that some people just couldn't miss. Well nearly everyone ended up in front of the TV, fortunately the bokke won!

I was busy showing the house and cooking so I didn't really talked to a lot of people. I can remember that I told some friends to leave the kitchen because I still had to do some cooking, they just answered, that they not going to sit somewhere else, the kitchen is big enough to that I can cook and they can enjoy them self by eating some of Gert's home-made bread. I was only smiling after this comment, because the previous kitchen in the townhouse was very small, it is a real privilege.

The best joke of the evening was when Jerry was telling Iné-Marie that his children needs a mother again.

Everyone enjoyed the party and the kids were sleeping in front of the television. I'm not sure if the kids were sleeping because of hungry of tiredness. Dinner was served late, why I don't know, I think everyone was enjoying the fire and laughter.

During the evening it was interesting to see how many ladies tried out GT4 on the Playstation.
After everyone left, Jerry and Ina-Marie had sherry with us. The house warming was lovely, so the dishes were washed with smiles while Helgard and myself were "reliving" the evening

More photos here

Saturday, October 25, 2008

PS2 & GT4

It is all Manie's fault, he started it! The idea was to have a 9 hour endurance race on the Playstation. A couple of guys would come together and we will drive in teams against each other. Well we needed another Playstation, steering wheel and a racing seat. I reckoned that since we will use the PS2 there must be a lot of them available secondhand since the PS3 is out
Started to scan the JunkMail and found a racing seat, PS2 slimline with LAN connection and steering wheel for a very attractive price. The racing seat was uncomfortable and flimsy, so Manie helped and we cut it up with an angle grinder and modified and welded everything together, so that it would be a real slick seat.

The steering wheel turned out to be useless, so it was back to the Junk Mail and I found one the same week. Now we have everything we need, except skill. I practiced a couple of hours on the circuit we would use, but I'm not as good as I would like to be. The practice times are also a bit limited because Ursula cant understand why I would want to spend my time in front of the TV.
Initially we thought the two teams would be able to ride on the same track, against each other with the PS2's connected via a LAN cable. Unfortunately it is not possible in GT4, looks like a 50 lap race is the longest that is possible. So we decided that we will start together and the team with the most laps after 9 hours would of cause win.

We started at 8:00 and changed drivers each time we went into the pits. We kept track of lap times on the laptop and things got quite serious. Ursula and Machtild hand snacks to keep the drivers doing.

The race was pretty even but our team (Me, Marius and Felix) just wasn't fast enough to beat Manie's team. (Manie, Dawie, Tjaart,Frik)

The race had to be abandoned after 8 hours due to rugby on TV, but it was great fun and we would definitely do it again.

More photos here

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Lerinda Foneintjies Concert

For the past few months every time that we saw the Ross family or Larinda she had to sing "Tell me what you want, want you really-really want……" from The Spice Girls. Every time that Lerinda sang the song I was amassed by the fact that a young girl/lady of 6 could keep up with this really fast rhyme of the song. I could see that she really-really enjoyed the song.

Lerinda invited Helgard and myself to her kindergarten concert and graduation. Munda (Larinda's mum) organized seats for the family in the second row from the hall, we had a good view and Helgard could take a lot of pictures.

Lerinda looked so cute with the curly hair and costume jewelry. While on stage, Mariska try to show Larinda that her earring is going to fall of her ear. Lerinda could understand something about the ear ring but the left and right confused hear. She gave the audience a good laugh when she answered that she wants to be a jet-setter when she is she is a grown up.


The kindergarten concert was a TV show and the school principle was the presenter.
The were a few funny characters

At a kiddies show so many things are happening at the same time, and when one laughs, you forget everything. I can't remember a lot because I was laughing too much.
I can remember the little boy (about 3years old) that was singing louder than the CD that was playing.

Then there was the song "Getoor". The little boy with his spiky gelled hair moved his head while the 3 witches were busy dancing with their brooms.


At last Lerinda was dressed in silver with a lot of glitter for her Spice Girls.
More photos here