
Monday, March 27, 2006

Bat Walk

Friday night we went to the Pretoria National Botanical Garden to learn a bit about Bats. The event was organized by the Gauteng Northern Regions Bat Interest Group (GnoR BIG). The aim of the meeting was to introduce some information on bats to the public. Strategicly placed mist nets were used to capture free flying bats, dont worry the bats was released afterwards.

Some of us were given bat detectors to identify the free flying bats in the garden. The echolocation sounds from the bat is picked up and transformed to audio frequency that can be herd when the bat flies over. The GnoR BIG website is very informative and if you are a bit squeamish about bats read this and get over it!


The Flikr page with of the photos of one of the demonstration bats.

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