
Thursday, December 20, 2007

Eventful evening

Usually we invite friends over on Tuesday nights, yesterday was no different. Just as I arrived home Ursula tell me that her brother has broken down in Johannesburg and wants us to come and help him, possibly tow his car home.

At that moment Gert and Dalené also arrives and Gert volunteers to drive with me to Adriaan. Before we leave Gert calls everyone together and tells us that he and Dalené is as of yesterday engaged! Hugs and kisses are exchanged.

Adriaan actually did us a favor not to have to listen to the smallest details of the engagement. The girls are exited and are laughing at least they have something to talk about and Gert and I head off on our rescue mission.

We found Adriaan next to the highway in Jo-berg feeling very sorry for himself. The bolts on the cars left CV joint is miraculously all loose, leaving the drive shaft disconnected from the gearbox.

This brings me to one of my philosophies in life, a mechanic's car is never in working order and as is a engineers PC. I have made a conscious decision not to fiddle with my PC any more. I buy assembled PCs and don’t touch the insides, I used to buy spares and build up my own system but you end up constantly upgrading and tuning the PC.

Well let me put it this way, I saw Adrian's car on jacks not to long ago with CV's being overhauled.
In any case, Adriaan was able to attach the CV to the gearbox again, so we could at least tow the car. We hooked up the kinetic strap and wanted to extend it with another steel cable. After some arguing it was decided not to use the steel cable. I had to move my car forward but couldn’t find the key.


You get that sinking feeling if you see your car is locked and you don’t have the keys in your pocket. In the boot of the Freelander there is a compartment that is opens with the car's keys. A couple of things must go wrong now. The back door can only be opened if the car is unlocked, but if you by accident press the lock button on the remote while you open the compartment, all the doors of the car lock and if you would close the rear door the keys are locked inside the car. Well it happened. The only thing that saved us is that the rear door did not latch completely. We had 15mm play on the top of the glass to look at the keys in the middle of the car's boot floor. Fortunately we found a piece of wire next to the road and used it to hook the keys, …the keys could not be pulled out ans had to be turned it first, turned it, and pulled it out like an expert car thief. We were saved.

Towing Adriaan was quite uneventful we could even pass some of the slower traffic on the highway. We unhooked him as soon as possible to get to the party at our house.


The rescue mission took around two hours and we were back home and celebrating. Kath was cooking and she invited her new love interest to join us. Unfortunately for him we were already a couple of glasses of champagne strong so it was a bit difficult to speak proper English.

Gert an Dalené, congrats with the engagement, good luck, excellent health and a lot of wealth together!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Christmas party 8 November 2007

Looks like having a Christmas party and inviting friends over for a cookout dinner is becoming a tradition. December is a month filled with social events, so to find a date that suite everybody is difficult; fortunately we were early with our invitations.

We asked the guests to bring salad, starters or pudding and chair to sit outside in the garden since we don’t have a real house yet. Rain started Saturday morning and we hoped that it would clear up by the afternoon, but it rained harder. Looks like we got the 79% of the rain that was for casted.
By the time the guest arrived it was pouring and the party had to move inside, I arranged all the chairs in the house, but I couldn’t see 15 guests sitting in the room. Panic set in!
We moved the TV to the bedroom gave everyone something to drink and all the people started getting to know each other, soon 15 people were talking and laughing together.

For a me as hostess a Christmas party is always nice, because all food is outsourced –and Helgard prepares the meat.
Starter was seafood munchies and cream cheese with biscuits. For the main course Helgard had 4 chickens in the Weber braai with potatoes and salads. Dessert was ice cream cake and Malva pudding.

Before the party, on Saturday afternoon Helgard got cabin fever and had to go shopping for a Wii game console. After dinner the guys got caught up with the excitement of virtual sport. None of them could believe how tired you get from boxing. Eddie lied on the bed and Nico had a coffee in his hand while playing golf.
By the time everybody was leaving Kath started doing the dishes, she didn’t want to bring a salad but was willing to do the dishes, so everything even doing the dishes was outsourced.

It is nice having to have wonderful friends, thank you all for making the evening memorable and thanks for bring the food.

More photos here